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Where Student Becomes A Scholars

(An Iso 9001:2008 Certified Institute)

Bachelors Program in Computer Engineering

Developments in radio, television, radar, transistors, computers, and robotics have fundamentally altered human life. The field of Computer Engineering is at the epicentre of this development. It encompasses a wide range of topics including operating systems, computer architecture, computer networks, robotics, artificial intelligence, and computer-aided design. Computer Science & Engineering (CE) Program students study the design of digital hardware and software systems including communications systems, computers and devices that contain computers.

Since its inception, computer technology has been an indispensable tool in all areas of science and engineering and has by now become a cornerstone of a whole range of modern services (financial markets, air transport and telecommunications, to name but three examples). It is fast becoming equally central to many aspects of our personal lives (play stations, Internet, WAP phones etc.).


A few career paths after doing Computer Science & Engineering courses:-

  • Database Management
  • Information Resource Management
  • Project Management
  • Telecommunications
  • Web Design
  • Vulnerability Discovery
  • Real-time Interfaces
  • Graphics
  • Executive Support
  • Object-oriented Programming
  • Information Systems Security
  • While experience in the use of various computer-based technologies is becoming increasingly widespread, Computer Science & Engineering Courses Program as an academic discipline is not about mere familiarity with the use of an array of commercial software products (word-processing/spreadsheet packages, Internet browsers, computer games), but studies the various technologies that make these complex systems tick.

    Duration: 4 Year
    Eligibility: 12th, Diploma or Equivalent
    Course Fee: Rs.57000/-
