Metallurgy Engineering is one in which all sorts of metals are deal with. It deals with refining, extracting and recycling the metals.
Metallurgical Engineering is a broad field that deals with the development and supply of all sorts of metal-related materials for virtually every other engineering field.
Metallurgical Engineering Courses in India, fulfil an aspiring engineers dream by providing all the technological know-how of the trade.
Metallurgy is based upon the principles of chemistry, physics, and mathematics. These sciences provide an understanding of the methods of metal production processes and the behaviour of materials.
Metallurgical Engineering is extremely diverse and it offers a wide variety of career opportunities for those who have an interest in technology, science and engineering.
Metallurgical engineers are employed in every industry and enterprise that produces, buys, sells refines or manufactures metals or metallic products.
This technique is very helpful in transportation, healthcare, entertainment industry, defense and in various fields. Metallurgical engineers are working in lots of industries and work for companies produce, refine, distribute and manufacture metals.
10+2 in PCM with minimum 50% marks
Safety Engineer
Welding Engineer
Ballistics Engineer
Senior Process Engineer
Quality Planning Engineer
Plant Equipment Engineer
Aluminium Casting Metallurgist
Supplier Development Engineer
Metallurgical Lab Technician
Metal Extraction Units
Electrical Companies
Construction Companies
Metallurgical Industries
Fabrication Units
Engineering Workshops
Heavy Machine Manufacturing Enterprises
3 Year
10th Pass
Course Fee: Rs.41500/-