An M.B.A. is a necessity in today’s business world. All who aspire to succeed in the corporate world understand the worth of management education. However traditional management education requires financial resources, physical mobility, and a total commitment to pursue it as a fulltime student. Many talented students or corporate executives are dissuaded by these factors.
Managers are facing increasingly complex organisations, unprecedented technological changes and a globally competitive business environment. By providing a comprehensive view of global management training, the two year dual specialization IIPTS-MBA program offers an intense educational experience designed to help participants respond effectively to these challenges. It will enable them to work more effectively in their current position and enhance their career prospects.
Change could be the only constant left in today’s world. Learn to lead it through IIPTS innovative MBA program. Designed for our professional students, the MBA program incorporates the latest online learning tools and printed textbooks making it possible for you to earn a traditional, regionally accredited MBA. Struggling commitments to family, career, and education would be difficult if not impossible if there were classes that you had to attend. When there is just not enough of “you” to go around, the innovative MBA program provides the perfect and appropriate solution.
4 Semester
BBA or Equivalent
Course Fee: Rs.53000/-