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Where Student Becomes A Scholars

(An Iso 9001:2008 Certified Institute)



The Method of Instructions and Examinations is based on Open Learning System Term end examination will be held as per scheme notified from time to time. Examination schedule is intimated in the admission letter enabling the students to plan accordingly for the examinations.


Examination Procedures

The student is assessed based on work and examination for every program. Student can exercise the option to clear the papers in piece-meal whenever examination is held/requested. Our flexible examination system allows a student is to re-appear for examination in such subjects only which he/she could not successfully complete.


As soon as the students are ready to take the exams they are required to call the institute for question papers which are to be answered from the comfort of their homes. The candidates are required to submit the Study material based periodical assignments and assignment for Term End Examination answers within the prescribed time limit to the institute through courier/speed post/online. Students are not required to attend the Institute at Delhi. There are three modes of examinations. Students are required to opt for any one.


Centre Examination: 

Examinations are also held at the authorized IIPTS examination centers throughout India subject to the availability of sufficient number of examinees at the given place.


On-Line Examination:

For the benefit of the students the examinations can be administered “online”. Students of distance learning mode can take “online” examination anywhere in the world using a computer with internet access. Effective use of online examination method can help distance learning mode students in numerous ways since it is cost effective and easy to use. The questions are objective / multiple choice and result is auto generated. Instructions for appearing in the online examination are communicated along with the admission letter.


Assignment Based Examination:

Institute has provision for assignment based postal term end examination also. Under this scheme, term end assignments (For Term End Examination) are sent to the student (under confidential cover) by post as per term end examination schedule given in the admission letter. These are to be completed / answered and the response-sheets are to be returned to the Institute with in the given time. This mode is useful for such students who are already working / studying and can not attend to the fixed time schedule of the term-end examination.

In the absence of any express option, it is believed that student has opted for assignment based term end examination system. If a student is not in a position to take the term end examination as per examination schedule and wants to get it rescheduled (prepone or postpone), may inform the Institute accordingly with a fee @ Rs 200/- per subject one month in advance to avoid penalty of re-examination fee so that his/her session/semester is re-scheduled accordingly and examination arranged as per request. No preponement is permitted in case of fast track system.



Students will be required to respond to the questions (based on study material issued to the student) given in the assignments within the date of submission specified on the body of the assignments.


Pre Examination Fee: 

Examination fee for term end examination is charged @ Rs. 500/- per subject. The examination fee is paid to the Institute after the allotment of enrolment number and according to the examination schedule on prescribed option form for term-end examination enclosed with the admission letter.



Any student who fails to qualify a given paper or has absented, can rewrite the same on payment of re-examination fee @ Rs. 300/- for each such paper.


Term End Examination Results: 

Marks secured in each subject in the term-end examinations including respective assignments are intimated to the student through progressive evaluation card sheet within one month of the completion of each term-end examination. Complete statement of marks is, however, issued on successful completion of all subjects of study.


Re-schedule of Semesters: 

Semesters are likely to be re-scheduled if a student fails to adhere to the semester, examination and fee schedule initially intimated to him in the admission letter. Such rescheduling calls for re-schedule fee.


Examination Grades: 

The passing certificate with grades and the mark list will be sent to the students after obtaining an overall Pass in the examination...

  • Minimum Marks to pass in each paper : 40%
  • Minimum Marks to pass Overall (Aggregate) : 50%
Examination Result: 

Examination results will be declared within 30-45 working days & certificate will be issued within 60 working days from the last examination date.


Reissue the Certificate: 

If student lost their certificate the re-issue charge will be Rs 1000.
