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Where Student Becomes A Scholars

(An Iso 9001:2008 Certified Institute)

Integrated Institute of Professional & Technical Studies (IIPTS), A premier institute providing a wide array of Professional Certificate Courses and Diploma {Management, Engineering &Technical} Programs. IIPTS is ISO 9001-2008 certified for quality control and assessment and we at IIPTS, firmly believe in quality and that has been our strongest point.

Self learning:

For slow and quick learners, this reduces stress and increases satisfaction. Our learning is based on Global Market needs in varied disciplines-of academics. The courses are designed with Competitive tuition rates. As a student, you have access to extensive electronic resources available through institute’s online libraries, career and academic workshops & computer facilities and also attend the campus lectures.

Fast track correspondence program

Whether you want to take a course to enhance your professional skills or earn a certificate to validate growth in career, but short of time due to work, IIPTS has solutions exactly for you. We are an institute providing modular format of management, Engineering and IT programs through correspondence. By modular format education, means we give the facility to the students to finish the program as and when he finishes the studies, thus saving time

First total online education institute as;
Online Admission
Online ID Card
Online Payment
Online Study
Online Exam
Online Results
Online Students Verification
Gives a liberty to the students to complete their courses in flexible time duration
Providing correspondence Professional,  Management and Technical education
Helps people to upgrade their resume without disturbing their current progression
Has a wide range of for students from diverse backgrounds
100% placement assistance
